After-Care Instructions For Patients of CityView Family Dentistry


Arestin is an antibiotic formulated into small pellets.  It is placed under the gum, into the periodontal pocket.  This antibiotic is released over time to help shrink pocket depth. After Arestin is placed, the following precautions should be taken:

  • You should avoid brushing the area being treated with Arestin for 12 hours.  Also, avoid flossing the area for 10 days
  • It is very important that you do not traumatize the area where Arestin was placed.  You are unable to eat any hard (hard candy, peanuts), crunchy (pretzels, potato chips), sticky/chewy (gum, caramels), foods for two weeks. 
  • If you are prescribed a mouth rinse, use as directed. 
  • An over-the-counter pain medication such as Advil or Tylenol may be taken as directed for discomfort.  
  • The doctor or hygienist may want to check the area in a few weeks OR they or may prefer to check the area at your next recall.  

Mi Paste

  1. Apply a generous layer of MI Paste to the teeth either with your finger (localized area) or a toothbrush.
  2. Use tongue to spread the remaining MI Paste throughout the mouth.  Retain in your mouth for as long as possible (1-2 minutes).  Avoid expectorating and delay swallowing.  The longer MI Paste and saliva are maintained in the mouth, the more effective the result.
  3. Rinse any MI Paste remaining on the surface of teeth.  Any residual MI Paste can be left to gradually dissipate.  Do not eat or drink for 30 minutes following application.

Activation of Wires -   Every Night - After brushing teeth at night, gargle with ice water as cold as you can stand, expectorate.  Gargle with water as hot as you can stand, expectorate.  You will feel a "BUZZ".       

Rocobodo Exercises for TMJ

These are exercises to retrain the musculature and ligaments of your temporomandibular (TMJ) joint.  Do not continue doing them if pain increases.  It is normal to be somewhat tender initially.  Try to avoid clicking the jaw joint(s) if at all possible.  These exercises can easily be done on your way to work in your car while stopped at a light, while making supper or watching television.  If you were referred for physiotherapy, continue to do these exercises unless otherwise instructed.  Once you start feeling better do not stop doing the exercises.  That is the best time to keep the muscles in shape by continuing to do the exercises to avoid further injuries with normal everyday activities.  Do every exercise six times before going to the next one.  You can warm up and relax the muscles by using a moist, hot cloth: i.e. moist towel in microwave oven.

EXERCISE 1 - Resistive opening

Place hand or clenched fist under chin and open jaw in a straight line against mild resistance.  Do not push bottom jaw out and forward.

EXERCISE 2 - Resistive closing with mouth open:

Grasp chin and pull downwards gently and close mouth against this resistance in a straight line.  Avoid clicking the joint.

EXERCISE 3 - Place hand on right side of jaw and gently push against jaw to the left side.  Resist this movement with jaw.  Do not move the lower jaw.  Hold for a count of 6.  Repeat for the left side.

EXERCISE 4 - Open mouth with the tongue placed up high at the back of the roof of the mouth.  Open in a straight line.  Use a mirror if you have to.  It also helps to use toothpicks between the top and bottom front teeth.  Try to line up the toothpicks as mouth opens and closes.


Continue to monitor your clenching and/or grinding habit.  Think about your posture all the time.  Straighten out your back and shoulders.  Avoid slouching.  Keep feet flat on the ground while sitting.  Avoid crossing your legs.  Keep physically fit.  

Remember:  The resting position of the jaw:  Teeth slightly apart, tongue resting on the roof of your mouth, just behind the front teeth.

Extraction Post Op Instructions

A certain amount of bleeding, pain, and swelling is normal.

Reduce your activity as much as possible for several hours.  Avoid eating, drinking, and unnecessary talking.  Do not rinse mouth or brush teeth.  These activities may hinder formation of a blood clot which is necessary for proper healing.

To control bleeding

Immediately following procedure...keep a steady pressure on the bleeding area by biting firmly on the gauze pad placed there by your doctor.  Pressure helps reduce bleeding and permits formation of a clot in the tooth socket.  Gently remove the compress and replace it with a fresh, folded gauze pad every half hour or as needed.

After 24 hours...some oozing of blood may persist.  If necessary, resume use of sterile gauze pads.  After bleeding has stopped, cautiously resume oral hygiene.

To relieve pain    

Immediately following procedure...over-the-counter pain medication (Advil, Tylenol) may be taken to minimize discomfort.  Application of an ice bag can also help relieve discomfort.

To minimize swelling

Immediately following procedure...apply an ice bag over the affected area.  Use 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off to help prevent development of excessive swelling and discomfort. 

After 24 should not be necessary to continue with cold applications.  However, contact the doctor for instructions on continued care if swelling persists or if fever develops.

Oral hygiene is important

Eight hours after bleeding has stopped, rinse mouth gently with a solution of one-half teaspoonful of salt dissolved in a glass of lukewarm water.  Repeat every two or three hours for several days.  Rinsing is important because it removes food particles and debris from the socket area and thus helps prevent infection and promote healing.  Brush tongue with a dry toothbrush to keep bacteria growth down, but be careful not to touch the extraction site.

Resume your regular habits of oral hygiene, but avoid disturbing the surgical site so as not to loosen or remove the blood clot.

Maintain a proper diet

Have your meals at the usual time.  Eat soft, nutritious foods and drink plenty of liquids - with meals and in between.  Have what you wish, but be careful not to disturb the blood clot.  Add solid foods to your diet as soon as they are comfortable to chew.

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5550 W. Touhy, Suite 402
Skokie, IL 60077


5550 W. Touhy, Suite 402|
Skokie, IL 60077

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Patrick C. Hann, D.D.S. | 5550 W. Touhy, Suite 402, Skokie, IL 60077

Phone: (773) 631-5788